
Share a Memory

Everyone loves to reminisce about the good old days. In the last 100 years, there are thousands of stories from faculty, staff, and students who have walked the campus of Kentucky Christian University. Some of those stories continually get retold but they never get old. We want to hear your stories. Use the form below to tell about the people, places, and things that made your time here at 网赌最好最大平台 so memorable. Share pictures with us – be sure to tell us the significance of the picture (i.e. What’s happening? Who’s in it?).

Lasting Impact

“I don’t think I can fully put into words the impact that 网赌最好最大平台 had on my life. I received a great education and had a wonderful athletic experience, but I will always be grateful for the relationships I made. Whether it was the lifelong friendships or the mentoring as both a student and employee, the impact of the people from 网赌最好最大平台 is something I will proudly carry with me wherever I go.”

Heather Stacy, Class of 2010

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